Wednesday, January 27, 2016
NDA - Application for Admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy 68th Regular Course
Examination Date and Requirements
1.) Course: B.Sc Intelligence and Cyber Security Studies
General Requirement:
General Requirement:
Application Forms
Submission of Applications
1.) Accessing the Home Portal
7. ) JAMB Result Requirement (OFFICIAL PROCESSING)
Nigerian Defence Academy Vacancy : 68th Regular Course 2016
Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) is currently seeking applications of suitable and qualified individuals for its 68th Regular Course in 2016. This is to inform the general public that online application for admission into the 68th Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna will be available from 26th January to 15th March 2016. Admission into NDA is open to both Male and Female Nigerians.
NDA - Application for Admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy 68th Regular Course
Examination Date and Requirements
- The examination will be conducted as an Entrance Examination (similar to Post-UTME examination in conventional universities), and is scheduled to hold on Saturday 23 April 2016.
- Therefore, all eligible candidates are to bring along their Acknowledgement Form, Examination Admission Card, JAMB result slip and TWO (2) postcard sized (3.5 x 5 inches) photographs to the Examination Centre on the examination date.
- The photographs should show only from the chest upwards and should contain the candidate's Name, Exam number, State, Exam Centre, Course of study and Signature at the back.
- Only successful candidates at the NDA Entrance Examination will subsequently be invited for the Armed Forces Selection Board following which the list of admitted candidates will be published.
Nature and Duration of Training
- Admitted candidates into NDA for the Regular Course will undergo military and academic training as Officer Cadets for a duration of 5 years.
- On successful completion of training, graduands will earn a honours degree in a core discipline (BSc, BEng, BA).
- They will equally earn a commission into the Armed Forces of Nigeria.
- Regular Course cadets will train in NDA. All aspects of the cadets' administration and logistics will be borne by the Federal Government.
Reference Materials
- In response to requests from candidates for reference materials, the Academy has offered a Compendium of Past Questions & Answers at a token fee to interested candidates. This can be purchased from the Registry Department, NDA.
Requirements for Admission into academic departments of the Nigerian Defence Academy
1.) To be eligible for admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy, a candidate must have the following:
- Minimum of 5 credit passes at SSCE (WAEC or NECO) or GCE 'O' Level obtained in not more than 2 sittings relevant to the Faculty of their choices.
- Credit in English Language and Mathematics.
- At least two supporting relevant credits to the compulsory credits in Faculty of Military Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science. However, only one supporting relevant credit is required in the Faculty of Engineering.
- Be at least 17 years old and not more than 21 years old as at the month of August in the year of entry into the Academy. Note that candidates who desire to join the Nigerian Airforce must be between 17 and 18 years old at entry, and also the Nigerian Army has suspended the enlistment of female candidates in her Regular Combatant programme in Academy.
- Must not be less than 1.68 metres tall for male and 1.58 metres for female.
- Must be medically and physically fit and must be of good moral character.
- Must be single male or female without legal obligation to support any child or other individuals.
- Present a Certificate of State of Origin obtained from a Local Government Area or a Certificate of State Indigeneship from the Office of the State Governor.
2.) Furthermore, candidates are to note the following:
- Candidates awaiting results are not qualified. Results not submitted with application form will not be accepted.
- Only examination results of 5 years old from the date of examination will be accepted.
- Currently, admission into the Academy is for both male and female Nigerians only, and is limited to Navy and Airforce in the case of female candidates.
A.) Course Requirements for Faculty of Military Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
1.) Course: B.Sc Intelligence and Cyber Security Studies
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Computer Studies and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economics, Government/Civic Education, Geography and History
2.) Course: B.Sc Peace and Conflict Studies
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Government/Civic Education and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economics, Geography and History
3.) Course: B.Sc Leadership and War Studies
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, History and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economics, Government/Civic Education and Geography
B.) Course Requirements for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
1.) Course: B.Sc Economics
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Economics and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Accounts, Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Geography and History
2.) Course: B.Sc Accounting
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Economics and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Accounting, Geography and History
3.) Course: BA French
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, French and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economics, Geography, Government/Civic Education and History
4.) Course: B.Sc Geography
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Geography and Mathematics.
Relevant Credits:
- History, Economics, Government/Civic Education Physics, Chemistry and Biology (preference will be given to those having credits in social science subjects).
5.) Course: BA History
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, History or Government/Civil Education and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economics, Geography, Commerce and French
6.) Course: B.Sc Political Science and Defence Studies
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Government/Civic Education and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- History, Economics, French and Geography
7.) Course: B.Sc Psychology
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Biology and Mathematics
Relevant Credits:
- Economic, Government/Civic Education, Chemistry and Geography
C.) Course Requirements for Faculty of Engineering
1.) Course: B.Eng Civil
1.) Course: B.Eng Civil
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Biology and Geography
2.) Course: B.Eng Electrical and Electronics
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics and Biology
3.) Course: B.Eng Mechanical
General Requirement:
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics and Biology
D.) Course Requirements For Faculty of Science
1.) Course: B.Sc Biological Sciences
1.) Course: B.Sc Biological Sciences
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry
Relevant Credits:
- Physics, Further Mathematics and Agric Science
2.) Course: B.Sc Chemistry
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology
Relevant Credits:
- Physics and Further Mathematics
3.) Course: B.Sc Mathematics
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Chemistry and Further Mathematics,
4.) Course: B.Sc Computer Science
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Chemistry, Further Mathematics and Biology
5.) Course: B.Sc Physics
General Requirement:
- 5 credit passes in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics
Compulsory Credits:
- English Language, Mathematics and Physics
Relevant Credits:
- Chemistry, Biology, Further Mathematics and Technical Drawing
Examination Conditions
- Only candidates who meet the JAMB national cutoff mark will be eligible to sit for the NDA Entrance Examination at their Examination Centre of choice.
Application Closing Date
15th March, 2016.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Application Forms
When the page opens, select "Purchase Access Code" and fill in their details to pay for their application via REMITA after first obtaining their ORDER ID and REMITA Retrieval Reference (RRR) Code in the sum of N3,000.00 only. Please note that only payment against RRR Codes generated via the application portal would be accepted.
Submission of Applications
Applications should be submitted online. On completion of the online application, candidates are to download an Acknowledgement Form. Upon release of the JAMB results, candidates should return to the applications portal and download their Examination Admission Card. Only candidates who make the JAMB national cut-off mark will be allowed to participate in the NDA Entrance Examination.
Application Guideline
All applications for the 68th Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy must be done electronically through Please read through the Requirements before continuing with the application.
1.) Accessing the Home Portal
- Using any browser of your choice, preferably (google chrome, Mozilla firefox) go to and wait for the portal to load.
- If you are visiting the site for the first time, click on Purchase Access Code, fill in your details as required via REMITA then click NEXT to obtain your ORDER ID and REMITA Retrieval Reference (RRR) Code.
- Click on Pay with Remita after which you would be redirected to Remita's site to make payment.
- Follow the instructions on the site to pay online after which you would be returned to the sign up page on the Application Portal to create your login profile, or
- Click on Print Invoice to print your details and pay at a bank. Go back to the Application Portal to and click on Create Account/Login, on the Login page select Sign Up Here to create your account profile after entering all the required details including the RRR Code.
- If you have previously created an account then click on Create Account/Login and then login using your registered Email and Password credentials previously created.
- If you have previously created credentials protocol but have forgotten your Password, click on Create Account/Login and then on Recover Password link to take you to the password recovery page to recover your password.
2.) Creating your Credentials (Sign Up)
- All the fields on this page are compulsory.
- You must provide your full name, email address (working email address), mobile number and password.
- Your password and confirm password must be the same and must have at least 6 characters in length preferably with a combination of alphabets and numbers.
- The portal will respond with a success message if you have successfully created your credential data and redirect you to the Log In Page automatically.
- If for any reason you are not successful with the Sign Up, please try again.
3. Log In
- On the Login Page, provide the email and password that was used to create your credential protocol, and click Log In.
- This Action will authenticate the User before redirecting you to the Application Form.
- If the email and password provided are wrong, the application will respond with an error message and request for another.
4.) Filling the Application Form
- The Application Form Page opens as soon as you provide your correct credentials and it is divided into 6 sections (Personal Data, Schools Attended, Qualifications Obtained, Choice of Service, Faculty and Departments, Passport Upload).
- All the fields marked asterisk (*) are compulsory.
- Personal Data:
- Application Number is generated by the System if your application is successful.
- Fill the Form in a Capitalize Each word Format (e.g NIGERIAN DEFENCE ACADEMY).
- Type in boxes as provided.
- Select your option in Drop down boxes as provided.
- Provide your Phone Numbers as (e.g 070XXXXXXXX).
- Date of Birth must be filled in the format dd-mm-yyyy.
- Height must be in numeric format only (e.g 170) in centimeters.
- Schools Attended:
- You should provide the complete name of each school attended.
- From and To Fields must be numeric only 4-digit year.
- Qualifications Obtained:
- You must provide your correct JAMB details as required.
- You can only use 1 or 2 results which can be 2 different exams in a particular year or 2 exams done in different years or 1 single exam of any of the Exam Type.
- Select your Subject and grades as applicable.
- Choice of Service - You must choose 2 different options here.
- Faculty and Department - Select faculty and then the department for the course you wish to study. Only one option is available here. It must correspond with the course you chose on JAMB portal.
- Passport Upload - Please choose passport with a clear view of your face showing your two ears with a plain background. The passport size should not be more than 300KB.
- Save button - Use this button if you have not completed some parts of the Application Form. The platform will retrieve your saved session when next you log in to complete the form.
Note: You must complete the form and Submit before the closing date of the application.
- Submit button - Click on this button where you have provided all the compulsory and optional fields of the Application Form. (This will automatically take you to Document Upload Form). Changes cannot be made to the Application Form once it is submitted.
5.) Document Upload Form
The Document Upload Form must be completed, otherwise your application will be disqualified.
You must upload the following documents:
- Scanned WAEC/NECO Certificate for each of the Qualification submitted.
- Scanned birth Certificate.
Click on Submit to Complete as soon you have uploaded the scanned documents
6.) Printing Acknowledgement Form - Please print the Acknowledgement Form as soon as you have completed the Application as specified above.
Note: The Link to Print Acknowledgment Form will be automatically seen after you have completed your application form and submitted your documents.
7. ) JAMB Result Requirement (OFFICIAL PROCESSING)
The remaining steps will involve the Nigerian Defence Academy to process your application against your submitted JAMB details:
- You must score at least the National Cut-Off JAMB Score to qualify to sit for the Entrance Examination.
- You must sit for JAMB UTME Examination with subject combinations relevant to your intended Course of Study in Nigerian Defence Academy as provided by JAMB.
- Candidates for Engineering Courses must score at least 210 in JAMB.
8.) Choice of Examination Centre - After the release of JAMB results candidates who meet the cut-off mark will be required to log on to the portal and select the examination centre of their choice:
- After Sitting And Release Of The Nda Examination Result For 68th Course, An Sms And Email Will Be Sent To You To Print LGA and Parents/Guardian Attestation Form.
9.) Printing of LGA and Parents/Guardian Attestation Form - Please log online and Print the LGA Attestation Form and Parent/Guardian Attestation Form. Follow the instruction on the Forms to complete them and await your invitation for final interview.
Note: Applicants applying for admission into NDA MUST also apply to the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB), but may not necessarily select NDA as their choice of university. Such applicants are expected to sit for the JAMB Universal Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
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